Pacifica foundation

Pacifica Foundation is an operated exclusively for educational purposes company located in Berkeley.

Information about Pacifica foundation

non-profit organization management
Number of employees
1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Berkeley, California 94704, US

Company Categories

Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Broadcasting, Organizations, Media and Entertainment, Video, Education, Non Profit,

Pacifica foundation executive employees

philip edwards

Former Music Director

donna gates

Payroll Manager

don freeman

Director Program Management

arlene engelhar

Nonprofit Organization Management

ken aaron

National Board Member

Frequent questions about Pacifica foundation

How many employees does Pacifica foundation have?
Pacifica foundation has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Pacifica foundation's industry?
Pacifica foundation is involved in the industry of non-profit organization management.
Where is Pacifica foundation headquarters located?
Pacifica foundation is located in 1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Berkeley, California 94704, US
What is the website of Pacifica foundation?
Pacifica foundation official website at

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